A large regional chemical distributor was looking to auto-mate their glycol tank truck filling operation. The end us-er required a robust, highly accurate meter and an easy to use batch controller that could eliminate the need for manual filling and allow drivers to self-serve by simply pressing a button. Previously this was done manually by another worker who monitored the flow on an analog totalizer. The totalizer proved to be inaccurate and often failed, requiring frequent maintenance. This resulted in downtime and thus operational inefficiency.

After thorough testing which included other types of meters from various manufacturers, the Macnaught MX50 was selected for it’s accuracy, small footprint, and heavy duty construction. Accuracy of 0.5% was confirmed after multiple test runs. Paired with the N410 batch controller, the meter consistently measured the desired batch totals, and the process was now fully automated. This combination satisfied every requirement of the application and has exceeded the user's expectations for accuracy and reliability. Macnaught MX Oval Gear Flowmeters offer excellent flow technology cost of ownership and out-standing engineering design flexibility.
Volume/Meter - 200 GPM MX50P-2PD N410 Batch Controller
Pressure - 250PSI
Temperature - Ambient
Media - Glycol, Amines
Power Requirement - None (Meter) , 24vdc (Batch Controller
Display Readings - Rate, Total, Batch Progress Bar, Batch Total
“This meter and batcher package has made our glycol batching operation a lot more efficient. We will move to install these on all 30 of our pump stations”

Tank Truck Flow Meter | Battery Powered Flow Meter | Hazard Chemical Flow Meter | Glycol Flow Meter